Small Patch v0.1.1


Here is a small patch for you! This includes new sprites, updated expressions, and a new chibi for Hibiki! I also added a little game over screen for when you make Hibiki sad! (Please don't make Hibiki sad, he's an angel.)

Also fixed these bugs:

  • Quit Chibi error when trying to close the game in certain states
  • Sometimes, players will be locked out of playing Hibiki's story after already completing the story.
  • When replaying Hibiki's branch, players were unable to select the same menu choice that they selected when previously playing Hibiki's branch

I did a few other small things, but they are so minor, that I've already forgotten what they were! Anyway, please update to the new version so that you can see the current, very handsome Hibiki sprites!

Thanks for reading and/or playing the demo!

Have a lovely day & remember to be kind!

Moo 🐄

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4 days ago 95 MB
4 days ago

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